philosophy Giveaway
A national giveaway designed to mark the launch of the NEW philosophy Ultimate Miracle Worker Nourish & Rejuvenate Face & Neck Cream while driving sales and collecting valuable consumer data. Consumers had the chance to receive a free sample and a night at the movies from philosophy! This one was so popular with consumers that we gave away all the samples and Fandango codes in less than 24hrs!
To participate the consumer followed a promotional link provided on philosophy’s Instagram account.
Consumers then completed the registration form to receive their free sample of philosophy’s ultimate miracle worker nourish & rejuvenate face & neck cream AND one Fandango code for a free movie.
Consumer interest was off the charts and we gave away all 1,000 samples and Fandango codes within 24 hours !
1,000 members in 24 hours
More than 3k site views
Engagement by all age groups 21-79
94% of members accessed the program via their mobile device.
1,000 philosophy skincare samples and Fandango gift codes sent via email notification were given out to new and existing customers.